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Inverse Dodecahedron Filled Icosahedra
(also known as Inverted Thingamaboober - credit Nathan A.)☻

For building an 'inverse dodecahedron filled icosahedron' you need fifty large rings of a rather high aspect Ratio, and for stability, also a bit fatter wire. For samples I used 2.4mm (~12swg) Bright Aluminium rings inbetween 1/2" and 1" - the tutorial's sample is made from 2.4mm x 3/4" rings. Furtherly, the inner, inverse dodecahedron structure needs connector rings, that have an inner diameter that rings of the same WD as the large rings had at an AR in the 2.75 ballpark - for 12swg large rings' WD this were 1/4" rings - due to better optical impression, I chose 1.6mm (~16swg) x 1/4" ones at an absolute AR of around 4.2. The outer large 'face' rings need smaller connectors, as not five, but only three of the large rings run through them - for 2.4mm large rings these need to have a relative AR of around 2.2 - here 1.6mm x 13/64" at an absolute AR in the 3.4 ballpark.

Now let's start - beginning with the inner structure, that is what I call an 'inverse dodecahedron'. I chose a weaving scheme, that allows all connector rings being used as preclosed rings, so that principally also rubber rings can be used. My tutorial sample uses bright Aluminium, though. This method might need a bit thinking-ahead, as usual when weaving with preclosed rings, but it's not so bad as it sounds.

The basic rule when making this body, is to add always new connector ring sets, if a new set large ring goes through one connector ring set only, but to omit adding new connectors, if a large ring is woven through two sets. This is, as every large ring has just two contact spots to neighboring large ones.

The inner 'inverse dodecahedron' structure is done now - and some people may elect to stop here, and declare success.

But we can also continue, and turn it into an icosahedron with flat lying outer 'face' rings. But before you do that, have a look at the connections. You'll notice that the five large rings tend to run in a swirl-like pattern through the connectors. It's of advantage to check, and eventually to adjust the swirl pattern, until all twelve swirls run in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

Somewhen you'll have reached the point, when all free spots of the basis body are covered, all twenty face rings are used up, and all face rings are connected with three rings to the basis body each. You may have reached the end already. But experience tells, that you can often double or triple up the outside connectors now. In latter case I recommend though, to double up all connectors first, before going further to tripling. This latter step isn't shown here, sorry - I simply forgot to photograph...


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