ZiLi's tutorials

This is a small collection of tutorials, that I made over the time, now to be shown in one place. Please excuse their differing styles, but that's personal development, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel, everytimes my taste changes. So take all info given here 'with a grain of salt', as this development sometimes means, that new knowledge could have emerged, but not been integrated into an existing tutorial. But be assured, that I won't give consciously wrong info, against better knowledge. And don't hesitate to contact me, via facebook chat, or eMail, if you find an error to be corrected, or have a question not (yet) answered in the tutorial.

NEW: Japanese Spheroid Polyhedra - The Anymohedron

Apollo (One and a Half Persian) and Soyuz

Basic Chain Maille Weaves - Taught as Progression

Copyrights and Patents - a monolog

European 4in1 Sheet

European 4in1 Circular Expansion

Full Persian 6in1

GSG style HP3S6

GSG style HP3S6 biased

Half Persian on a Wire

Harvest Moon (aka Tomato Sandwich)

Inverse Dodecahedron Filled Icosahedron

Japanese Spheroid Polyhedra - A Primer

Japanese Spheroid Polyhedra - Part two - The Insanihedron

Japanese Spheroid Polyhedra - Part three
The Nutsohedron - The Absurdihedron - The Gagahedron - The Yetsanihedron

Japanese Spheroid Polyhedra - The Amusihedron

Jens Pind Linkage (aka JPL/JPL3) (Single Image Tutorial)

Jens Pind Linkage (aka JPL/JPL3) (with explanation)

Jens Pind Linkage - Joining

Jens Pind Linkage 5 (aka JPL5)

Joining Half Persian Chains

Mars, Phobos, and Deimos

Minerva - formerly known as Byzantine Knot

Moon42 using Preclosed Rings

Sweetpea - the Shaggy Loops Method

Starflake Keyring Pendant - also known as Dodecahedron Ball

Welding Wires for Maille

Have fun
