For every order an 'instant rebate' will be calculated from summed up order amount and value.
Please don't ask me for the formula; it's simply granted by me.

From time to time, extra 'Promo' rebates apply - these are granted also voluntary.

When ordering larger amounts of rings, following rebates apply:

  • 1) If a listed complete ring batch is ordered, a rebate of 5% is granted for that batch.
  • 2) If rings of a particular ring batch are marked as having a deficiency,
         the rebate (usually 5%) is applied that is listed in the remarks.
         But some ring types that are marked as 'special' (blue) may cost 10% more.

    Note that the rebates are cumulative; so if two rebates were valid, both will be sucessively discounted.

    I found, that I need to do a bit 'housekeeping', and part with some of the redundant/multiple lower-amount remainders. So, until running out of these, the 'complete batch' rebate for marked multiple-batch ring types of one size, consisting of (usually) less than 3000 total rings in a particular batch is raised to 25% instead of 'only' 5%! Eligible batches are marked by a green underlaid batch number. Partial sales from green marked batches are NOT rebated, though.
    Rings from lavender marked ring batches are also rebated by 25%, but here even for partial amount orders, and not only for full batches - but who wants a complete lavender batch, pays only half the listed price (50%) for. Don't miss out on these...

    Note to resellers:
    Feel free to ask for special wholesale/reseller deals, and also for custom packaging options.